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Welcome to Proctor High School!
I am beyond proud to be your principal and to work with you to achieve the goals you have set for this year and beyond. The last two years have been extremely challenging for everyone and I look forward to some continued normalcy this year as we come together to be a school community once again.
Being a student at PHS means you are going to get an experience that others in northern Minnesota are not getting. The Proctor Pathways culture at PHS will give you the opportunity to explore, engage in, and experience different career paths that are available to you. Some you will like and want to learn more about while others will be crossed off your list as you look to graduate with a plan for what comes next in your life. I encourage you to take advantage of not only the opportunities to explore that become available in the classes you are enrolled in but also the opportunities that will come about that are open to all.
Being a RAIL is all about Respect, Attitude, Integrity, Learning, and Safety. This site and the student handbook lays out elements of our school culture and expectations for students while at school so we can live those elements above. If we can all work together on being RailSTRONG and lead with kindness in all we do, this will be an amazing year for all.
Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any concerns or if there is anything I can do to support you. Thank you for your commitment to excellence and congratulations on being a RAIL.
Mr. Tim Rohweder
218-520-3184 (W)
218-391-6985 (C)